
Offices, schools, senior citizen homes, churches, day care centers, gyms, and other commercial settings are particularly vulnerable to germs and bacterial infestations. The most susceptible times are cold and flu seasons, but they also have infestations other times of the year too!

Our exclusive “CLEAN-SLATE” Technology is CDC approved to kill COVID 19 upon contact, and results in a full, 90 day protective barrier!

Slate Co efficiently and effectively kills and eliminates bacteria that causes staph, E. coli, listeria, salmonella and more; as well as viruses including H1N1, Hep A, B and C, Norovirus and Rotavirus among others.

Do you wonder how it works? A fine mist is sprayed over and under all objects so everything your employees, your customers, members, and participants touch are disinfected and deodorized to clinically clean standards. No rinse is required. Our products are NSF-Certified for use on food contact surfaces and are safe to use on electronics.